A Freelancer’s Night Before Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when a notification
Announced that a last minute project was waitin’.
An assignment from a client; for time they were pressed.
I’d get it done quickly, then settle down to my rest.
Nine-to-five employees nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of bonuses danced in their heads.
But I sat in the glow of my screen, keys a-tapping,
Sipping hot coffee to keep me from napping.
When from my smartphone there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my desk to see what was the matter.
As I swiped on the phone, the device did recount,
“A payment was sent to your Hyperwallet account.”
Dollars! Cents! Just think of the ways
This additional income will brighten my days!
Pay my bills, resolve debt, or into the bank!
Christmas came early—but who should I thank?
Why myself, of course; I’m the reason for this.
My hard work has paid, though I’d be remiss
If I slighted the carrier; but what should I call it?
Santa? St. Nicolas? Or just Hyperwallet?
Being a freelancer provides me with plenty of perks,
Flex hours, good pay, and all kinds of work.
But payments are hard, they’re costly and slow;
Or they were, until Hyperwallet took o’er the show.
Straight into my bank, or onto a card,
Managing my earnings is never too hard.
Hyperwallet allows me to get paid with ease,
And with expense tracking, tax time is a breeze.
My funds safely transferred, I returned with a smile,
To my work, which now seemed a bit more worthwhile.
Just then, in the distance, a whisper so light:
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!”
Happy Holidays from all of us at Hyperwallet!